Find Your Opal Escape.
A collection of luxury hotels and resorts with timeless allure in the most sought-after destinations across the Eastern US
Opal Collection is a premier assortment of luxury hotels and resorts, located in the most treasured destinations on the East Coast. Spanning north from our Bar Harbor, Maine resorts to the southernmost tip of Key West, Florida, we offer curated, memorable getaways for every trip on your bucket list. Like the effervescent shimmer of an Opal gemstone, each destination radiates with its own unique experiences. Each property reflects a distinct connection to its destination through locally inspired design, regional culinary features, and signature activities.

Your Source for Opal Moment Opportunities

Opal Holiday Savings
Whether heavy hitters like Christmas or Thanksgiving or more modest occasions like Labor Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day, our collection is always serving up savings to get you a steal of a deal on a holiday-based retreat, year-round.

Opal Moment Savings
Opal Moment Savings: curated offers to make sure you see the best value of the moment.